1. Report -

    Our team at Healthwatch Ealing conducted an announced Enter and View at Community Road Mental Health Hostel on the 23rd of June 2021 from 10am to 1:30pm.
  2. Report -

    As part of the NHS Long Term plan engagement, each Healthwatch was asked to conduct 2 focus groups alongside completing the Long-Term Plan Survey. The purpose of this work was to find out what local people think of their NHS services, in order to feedback on services and inform how the national NHS Long Term Plan is delivered locally.
  3. Report -

    As part of the NHS Long Term plan engagement, each Healthwatch was asked to conduct 2 focus groups alongside completing the Long-Term Plan Survey. The purpose of this work was to find out what local people think of their NHS services, in order to feedback on services and inform how the national NHS Long Term Plan is delivered locally.
  4. Report -

    Healthwatch Ealing gathers insights from local people about their experiences with local NHS services - including but not limited to hospitals, GPs, dentists, and social care providers. This gives us a chance to find out what is working well, what isn't and what needs to be improved - which can be relayed to the appropriate service, Trust and CCG.
  5. Report -

    In September 2022, Healthwatch Ealing launched a new
    project looking at mental health among staff and residents in
    care homes.

    By talking directly to stakeholders Healthwatch hoped to gain
    an understanding of the dynamics at play in the environment.
    Our intention was to understand the pressures of care home
    living and working, identify best practice and to enlist the aid
    of our partners to improve conditions for all involved.
  6. Report -

    In 2022 Healthwatch Ealing launched a new project looking to better understand the Primary Care experience of the minority communities in Ealing. By talking directly to patients who typically experience a range of health inequalities, Healthwatch hoped to gain an understanding of the issues they experience and the factors such as language and ethnicity that may play a role in the access, treatment and care they receive
  7. Report -

    Our team at Healthwatch Ealing conducted an unannounced Enter and View at Kent Care Home on the 22nd of February 2019 from 11pm to 12pm.
  8. Report -

    Our team at Healthwatch Ealing conducted an unannounced Enter and View at Kingsley House on the 22nd of February from 1:30pm.
  9. Report -

    Our team at Healthwatch Ealing conducted an announced Enter and View at Raj Nursing Home on the 8th of January 2019 from 10am to 2:25pm.
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    Our team at Healthwatch Ealing conducted an unannounced Enter and View at Torkington House Care Home on the 22nd of February 2019 from 3pm.
  11. Report -

    This reports details the findings and feedback from service users and carers on their experience of social care reviews and reassessments, as carried out under a new framework, provided by the Future Ealing and Better Lives approach and philosophy.
  12. Report -

    Your Voice in Health and Social Care and Healthwatch Ealing are pleased to publish this report: Review of Falls Prevention Services: The report details the findings of user feedback on the NHS Falls Clinic and its various components, Strength and Balance classes, as well as a variety of other related services in order to evaluate the benefits and impact on user confidence and health and wellbeing, and thereby offer some indication towards impact upon falls prevented.