Woman standing in a doorway holding a mobile phone

Deciding to make a complaint?

Making a complaint can feel daunting and scary, and you might be wondering whether it's worth the time and effort. However, if you have problems with an National Health Service (NHS) or social care service, you need to resolve this to get the care you need. 

Knowing how to make a complaint

Making a complaint can be a daunting task, so knowing who you can complain to and what to do is essential. 

We can help you. We've worked with Healthwatch England to produce straightforward advice that will guide you through the process from knowing who to talk to, top tips on what to do and what you can expect from services in response. 

Read our complaints advice

Complaints advocacy services

Every area of England has an independent NHS complaints advocacy service funded by the local authority. They can help you make a complaint about an NHS service or work out what you want to achieve from a complaint. 

If you are a resident in Ealing you can access NHS Advocacy support, free from Voiceability, who also provide a range of other advocacy services in the borough.

You can contact them by the following:

Call: 0300 303 1660 from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Or you can visit their website:








Contact Your Complaint Advocacy Service

Patient Advice Liaison Service 

Each NHS Trust has a Patient Advice Liaison Service (PALS) that offers confidential advice, support and information to help resolve any matters relating to your care or treatment at that NHS Trust. It provides a point of contact for patients, families and carers.

PALS is usually a good first point of contact before making a complaint as they may help resolve the issue more quickly.

Local PALS Services

In Ealing we have one major NHS trust providing care for residents, which is the London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust.

Contact London North West PALS

To get in touch concerning the hospitals below contact:

Central Middlesex, Northwick Park, and St. Mark’s Hospitals

Call: 020 8869 5118 between 9:30am to 4:30pm. If you’d like to speak to someone, the PALS office is close to the main entrance of Northwick Park Hospital. 

Ealing Hospital and Community services

Call: 020 8967 5653 between 9:30am to 4:30pm. If you’d like to speak to someone, the PALS office is on the ground level, near the lifts.

Make a complaint about social care

Healthwatch gives people a powerful voice locally and nationally. Healthwatch works with people to get the best out of their local health and social care services. Users of social care services may have an ongoing experience which is causing concern and they wish to put right.


Ealing Council provides both adults and children’s social care services and where applicable fund home care agencies or residential care homes for residents.


To make a complaint:

Call: 0208 825 8100

Email: adultservicescomplaints@walthamforest.gov.uk




Click here for more information

Make a complaint about your GP

The NHS primary care services are there to help provide care to everyone. If you have concerns about any aspects of your care or the actions, decisions of an NHS primary care body (GP practice), you have the right to complain.

If you decide to make a complaint, you have several options. In the first instance we recommend you speak directly to the service itself and see if you can resolve the issues between you.

If you cannot resolve the issue with the service verbally, you can contact them directly via email and make a written complaint. Please click the link below for further information on how to make a complaint about a GP service.


Click here for more information