Enter and View - Hanwell House

Our team at Healthwatch Ealing conducted an announced Enter and View at Hanwell House on the 15th of January 2018 from 10am to 2pm.

Healthwatch Enter and Views are arranged to find out how health and social care services are being run, and make recommendations where there are areas for improvement.

Key Information

  • The home appears dedicated to the safeguarding of their residents. We were informed that all staff, even domestic staff, undergo safeguarding training and the safeguarding policy and procedure at the home is discussed at every handover.
  • The home has a list of all allergens in each dish displayed in the home. Authorised Representatives were impressed by this and found that this made residents and relatives (who may eat at the home) aware of any allergens adequately.
  • Based on our visit, we would conclude that Hanwell House meets Healthwatch England’s quality indicators of a good care home.

Key Recommendations

  • Based on what we observed and what we were told, we have no recommendations to make at this time.


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