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"I was not sure how to complain about this on behalf of my family. Thank you for helping us!"
Latest reports and publication

Healthwatch Ealing Patient Experience Report Q2 2024-25
The information presented within this report reflects the individual…
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Enter and View: 50 Community Road
Our Enter and View visits are arranged to find out how health and…
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Advice and information

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Releases Talking Therapies Survey
NICE is seeking the views and experiences of people who have used NHS Talking Therapies, to inform their guidance. The Survey will be open until 12…

NWL NHS: Measles – it’s not just a rash
Measles doesn’t just cause your child discomfort, it also puts them at risk of serious health complications if the infection spreads to the brain or…

NWL NHS Launches We Are General Practice Campaign
The campaign aims to spread public awareness of the different roles within a GP practice's scope that can best help patients. From the GP…