Attitudes Towards Vaccines From Young People in NWL

In 2023 Healthwatch Ealing launched a new project looking to better understand thoughts of feelings of young people in NWL regarding vaccines. By talking directly to young people and their parents Healthwatch hoped to gain an understanding of how the pandemic impacted their views on immunisations.

Key Findings of the Report Include:

  • The HPV vaccine has a lower uptake amongst boys because there is a misconception that only girls need the vaccines. 

  • 36% of children do not list a trusted source as their primary place to get vaccine information. 

  • We found misconceptions about what a vaccine is and does to be prominent reasons for distrusting them.

  • Most people believe more transparency around vaccinations would make them more comfortable with them.


For more, read our full study here. If you require this in a different format, please contact us. 

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