Our Local Advisory Committee

Find out how the Healthwatch Ealing Local Advisory Committee helps us meet our goals below.

The Local Advisory Committee reviews issues relating to Healthwatch in detail and makes recommendations regarding this. It plays an important role in overseeing Healthwatch Ealing’s strategic direction, monitoring and advising its progress against its work plan.

Meet Our Local Advisory Committee

Dr. Sophie Legg - Chair

Dr. Legg have been working as a medical doctor for 6 years and is currently a GP trainee in Central London. Dr. Legg's area of interest is addressing health inequalities within primary care health systems and joined Healthwatch Ealing in order to translate her academic interest into action.

Alan Cook

Alan has been involved in Healthwatch Ealing and its predecessor LINk for a number of years. He is a trained Enter & View Authorised Representative and has represented Healthwatch at a number of Council and NHS forums. Now retired, Alan worked in the NHS for 30 years.

Suzanne Fernandes

Suzanne is a member of the Royal College of Nursing, the British Criminology Society, European Criminology Society, and Royal United Services Institute. She has dedicated much of her professional life to helping young offenders get back on the right track. 

Decision making processes

The Local Advisory Committee and staff make collaborative decisions about our work programme and priority areas. These include decisions such as which research studies and Enter & View visits to undertake each year.  

Our decision making takes into account a number of factors including:  

  • issues identified from community feedback and intelligence 
  • understanding the views of under-represented groups e.g children and young people
  • opportunities to make an impact 
  • alignment with the key priorities of our local authority and NHS partners 
  • gaps in our current insight and knowledge on an issue/service
  • having a balanced work programme with consideration given to both health and social care issues
  • wider strategic drivers

Our Local Advisory Committee seek to provide full transparency in their decision making. Minutes of meetings can be requested by emailing info@healthwatchealing.co.uk.

Each year we will also update this website to highlight our news and reports for the year and our reasons for choosing these priority areas. Please click on the pink 'Find out more' button below to access information about our news and reports.

Your Voice in Health and Social Care (YVHSC) holds the contract for Healthwatch Ealing. Their Board of Directors hold overall governance responsibility for the service. For further information on the Board visit the YVHSC website or email info@yvhsc.org.uk

Find out more

Join our Local Advisory Committee

Your Voice in Health and Social Care (YVHSC) is looking for Ealing residents interested in becoming part of our Local Advisory Committee.

Do you have local knowledge, experience and passion for promoting better health and social care for local people? Then this might be the right fit for you.

Committee Members are responsible for shaping the future of the organisation and helping us ensure that the experiences of patients, carers and residents are heard by local decision makers. 

To apply or for more information, please contact the Volunteers team on 07904 193151 or by email vip@yvhsc.org.uk.