Volunteers from the Diabetes UK to hold Peer Support Group

Volunteers from the Diabetes UK’s South East Coast and London Team are running an online Peer Support group for people living with type 2 diabetes. The Online Peer Support Programme is about bringing people with diabetes together to share experiences of living with the condition and to get practical tips from others about how to live well.

Meetings will be held each week over 6 weeks in total, each with a different diabetes related theme including food, treatment, emotional health and more. The Peer Support Programme Facilitator volunteers will facilitate group discussion and signpost people to useful services and information.

Meetings will be held on:

29th June, 6.30-7.30pm

6th July, 6.30-7.30pm

13th July, 6.30-7.30pm

20th July, 6.30-7.30pm

27th July, 6.30-7.30pm

3rd August, 6.30-7.30pm

You can register for free here